About Me

Hihi, Nadeem here. I do growth marketing, and just an avid learner. I built and help businesses on side, check out some project.

Setting Expectations

I use this space as a way to put all of my permanent notes and some of my progressive summarization notes.

It’s really fun when you can refer to your own writing to answer some of your life problem (which why I actually encourage all to do the same aswell):

  • It helps you build better perspective of it.
  • It gave you tools to handle it, and provide room for continuous improvement.
  • And, it documents a small part of your life

So what kind of “reference” can we expect from this ?

  1. I talk a lot about mental model, I draw some of it, articulate problems/solution in mapping or model.
  2. I document some cool thing I learned, read or discover. (this has been a challenge)
  3. Lastly, things that I love to do “my work”. Anything related to growth/product.

Also to note, despite of this blog has more zettelkasten approach, I still use folder for the sake of navigation and reading experiences. But still, you can always check

p.s: I don’t really wanna waste anyone’s time, but if you happened to be reading this. I am thankful for that.