For a generalist, I think this could be a common advice for some out there.

In my short span of life currently, I’ve dabbling to lots of things. I’ve dabbled in music production, programming, robotics, marketing, and just a bunch of stuff.

At one point, you will reflect and look back that you have a gem that you’re discovered through out your life dabbling into many things.

And that gem is “Learnability”.

You’ve figured out the natural path you will take to learn something, practice it, and deliver the desired output from it.

It will become natural to you, and you suddenly have this perception of being able to do “anything”.

Like it was mention by DHH, in one of his podcast - “I didn’t know how to learn, until I’ve learned some stuffs”

The capability to spark curiosity and put action into it. Is really what I believe make humans are generally more capable species.

We are not an insect

We were meant to do much more, but here’s the common fallacy.

Being able to do anything, means you COULD do anything.

But WOULD you?

At a stage of your life you will begin to realize that some stuff can be done, when you put enough forces into it.

When you put time, efforts, and resources into it, it can be done. However, the quality or the consistency of it are somewhat questionable though.

But here’s the tricky part, despite of we’re capable of doing many things. Should we do it? and most importantly Why Would We Do It?

This is where all test of reasonings and motivations come to play, we ask our teammates of “Why”, we asked our partners of “Why”. Due to the fact it’s the WOULD part that are mostly important than COULD part.

What exactly the WOULD part?

Well, I don’t really know what is it, but I can surely says the outcome of it.

The would what give birth to Persistence, Grit and Perseverance. Which to Nassim Taleb, the most important but in challenging/tough times.

The Persistence, Grit and Perseverance are those values that bring Antifragility to your life.

So the advice are quite simple.

Don’t ask whether you Could, Ask whether you Would.

I don’t really ask myself of Should cause a lot of times, “Should” can be answer through Would.

At early stage of your life, your mission usually is to answer the question whether you’re capable to do “it”, at later stage you begun to the journey to answer the question whether it’s worth it to do it. The pursuit here is subtle cause the later will determine the

The best thing to ask yourself is “If you couldn’t do it, would you do it.”

This will reveal that you will do it, despite of not ready.

And I will talk more about, “If you’re ready it’s too late”